Source code for command_tree.item

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from collections import OrderedDict

from .exceptions import CommandTreeException

[docs]class Item(object): """Represents an :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` object. Args: name (str): the name of the item obj (type): the function or class handler type id (int): unique id for the item, will be use in the ordering arguments (OrderedDict): argument name (str) -> argument descriptor dict (Arguments) parser_args (dict): arguments for :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` constructor docstring_parser (ParserBase): a ParserBase derived class instance name_generator (callable): will be used for the automatic name generation but only if the name not specified explicitly first parameter will be the object name """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, name, obj, id, arguments, parser_args = None, docstring_parser = None, name_generator = None): self._obj = obj self._name = name self._instance = None self._id = id self._parser_args = parser_args or {} self._docstring_parser = docstring_parser self._arguments = arguments self._parent = None for arg in arguments.values(): arg.item = self if self._name is None and name_generator: self._name = name_generator(self.obj_name)
[docs] @abstractmethod def build(self, parser): """Build the argument parser tree. Args: parser (argparse.ArgumentParser): a parser instance to build """
@abstractproperty def obj_name(self): """Getter for the class or function name. Returns: str: the name """
[docs] @abstractmethod def traverse_for_common_arguments(self): """Iterate through the arguments and the sub items if has any and do the things to build the common args."""
@property def parser_args(self): """Getter for parser args.""" return self._parser_args @property def id(self): """Getter for id""" return self._id @property def obj(self): """Getter for the obj: class or function.""" return self._obj @property def name(self): """Getter for name.""" return self._name @property def arguments(self): """Getter for argument list. Returns OrderedDict: str -> Argument instances """ return self._arguments
[docs] def reindex(self, new_id): """Rewrite the id. Args: new_id (int): the new id """ self._id = new_id
[docs] def build_arguments(self, parser): """Add arguments to a parser. Args: parser (argparse.ArgumentParser): the parent parser """ for name, arg in self.arguments.items(): arg.add_to_parser(parser)
[docs] def parse_doc_string(self): """Parse the doc string""" if self.obj.__doc__ is None: return if self._docstring_parser is None: return info = self._docstring_parser.parse(self.obj.__doc__) if info.description and 'help' not in self._parser_args: self._parser_args['help'] = info.description for arg_name, arg_info in info.argument_infos.items(): if arg_name in self._arguments: arg = self._arguments[arg_name] if 'help' not in arg.kwargs: arg.kwargs['help'] = else: raise CommandTreeException("Argument '{}' is documented but not defined!".format(arg_name))
def __repr__(self): return "<{}: name={}, id={}, object={}>".format(self.__class__.__name__,,, self.obj)